Good news, last Thursday 16 July 2020 the Planning Committee refused permission for the erection of a new 15-meter Telecommunications mast outside of Holy Trinity Church on Southview Drive.
This came about due to the pressure and objections from over 400 local residents and also due to your local Conservative Councillors who called in the application to make sure this was discussed by the full committee in public, and not decided by officers at the Townhall.
At the meeting, after speeches from residents, Cllr Sue Nolan and Cllr Michael Duffell, the committee decided that this application was unreasonable and would be detrimental to the area.
Councillor Sue and Michael, said ''this is a fantastic victory, and all credit goes to residents for their support and objections, it shows when we all work together, we can achieve success.''
''South Woodford is a wonderful place to live, and we can continue to work to make sure it stays a wonderful place. ''We will keep residents informed if there is an appeal against the decision to refuse permission.''
If you wish to contact Sue and Michael, please don’t hesitate to email at [email protected]''