Yesterday, the Education Secretary announced that Ofqual will be awarding students teacher assessed grades for this year’s A level and GCSE results, to offer young people the certainty and reassurance they deserve.
This has been an extraordinarily difficult year for young people who have been unable to take their exams.
The Government worked with Ofqual to construct the fairest possible model to award grades equivalent to normal exam standards, but it has become clear that this process resulted in more inconsistency and unfairness than can be resolved through an appeals process.
Together with Ofqual, the Government has decided that it is better to instead award teacher assessed grades for A Level, AS level and GCSE results.
To ensure students can progress to higher education, the Government intends to remove temporary student number controls and work with the sector to create additional capacity.
The Education Secretary has apologised for the distress this has caused young people and their parents. We hope this announcement will now provide the certainty and reassurance they deserve.