Vicky Foster
I’ve lived in Redbridge most of my adult life and I am the mother of a son at secondary school. I enjoy Yoga and work as a Publicity Administrator in a senior school.
I’ve also been a carer for 14 years so am fully aware of the necessity for efficient, caring Social Services. My main aim if elected is to keep our green spaces and to stop the over development in the borough.
I’d like to see a Council that residents are proud of one that is willing to listen to and respond to resident’s needs. It is vital that the decisions made today benefit residents now and future generations to come
Sk Zakir Hossain
I’m an active member of the local community and was elected as a school Governor in a Primary School in 2017. As a father of two young children I am enthusiastic about education and the opportunities it gives young people to develop confidence, communication and collaboration; assets that will continue to develop as they grow.
As a self-employed businessman I am fully aware of the value of education and how the skills I learnt helped me to succeed in starting and growing my own business. Our schools in Redbridge are excellent and if elected I want to build on that strength to drive forward extracurricular learning opportunities and skills training by working with local businesses, the local community and government
Denys Phillips
I am a wife, mother and grandmother with a passion to be involved and who has lived in Fullwell Ward all my life. I would like to see pride return to the area, where people know and help their neighbours and have a sense of community.
The need to stop our green space being destroyed by high rise flats, to preserve our parks and gardens for our children, for the environment and for the wildlife is what is important to me.
Most importantly it is you, the Fullwell residents that need to be listened to and I promise to do that and hopefully we can once again have a council to be proud of.